Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ending a friendship

Knowing when to end a friendship can be difficult, especially if the one you had was a strong one.

There are lot's of different types of friendships out there. Close friends, acquaintances that become friends, and friends that are like family. It all depends on how they fit into your life and the value you provide each other.

I have done this twice in my life. The 1st time it broke my heart. This time, I am just stunned that the whole premise of the friendship was not based on what I thought it was based on.

10 years ago, I told my girlfriend that I could no longer be friends with her and it hurt me terribly. I needed her in my life. She was as close as a beloved sister. At the time, there was an event that changed things for the both of us, and I could no longer in good conscience keep the friendship. About 4 years after ending it, a close friend of ours passed away, and I called her. It happened to be on her birthday and although it was a difficult call, we ended up reconnecting. She is still in my life, and we are still very close.

The friendship I ended yesterday, came down to pretty much the same thing. An event took place, and I had to decide which was more important. What was taking place in my life, or the friendship. My personal life is the priority here.

Instead of just cutting off the friendship abruptly, I decided to give this friend the benefit of the doubt, and let her know why I was ending it, secretly hoping that we would not have to. This actually goes back to September of last year, but to bring you up to speed, I only just found about about this in April of this year. So I emailed her in April, and never received a response. I emailed her last week, after she had contact with one of my family members, but not with me. (I was still trying to work this out) She did email me back this time, although the email, was twisted and full of anger and accusations, that justified to her, actions that took place in September of last year.

Whoa... so reading this, I thought, wow, why would you turn this around. What is the motivation? So without going into all the personal details, I quickly wrote back, that I needed the contact to stop and would she also please remove the family member from her contact list also. I received 2 more angry and nasty notes, saying she would not Jump to my requests, and that she would do it when she got around to it.

To make a long story short here, I see that she has lied to me, and so I wonder about the motivation again. I not written back to her, and have removed all contacts for her. I have also had my family do the same.

The bottom line is this. I am still friends with the woman that I stopped being friends with 10 years ago, because we were both mature enough to know that things at the time had to be the way they were, and we accepted it. There was no accusations, or angry letters, calls, ect, and no contact until our mutual friend passed away. This is the type of friendship that goes long and deep. The ones that can handle that you need to make personal decisions based on your life at the time, usually will stick around threw thick and thin. The ones who can't don't and are not worth the effort. Sad but true. This second friendship will not be one that I pick back up in the future. It is time to move on.


Unknown said...

Friendship is a strange creature. Some never end, some end way too soon and some really never existed to start with.
Many people feel it is something that must be worked on, I disagree. If a friendship is a true one, it blooms on its own. The rose of a lasting friendship never wilts, or turns ugly. It may get covered at times by the snows of life, but she will always be there. Ocassionally we just need to brush the snow away. It is it not a true rose of friendship, then we must remove it... to keeps the friendship garden growing.

PS " Betrayal is spelled wrong in your tags ... only a true friend tells you when your fly is down ... LOL Love Ya!

Kat Barton said...

LOL... figures I miss-spell. Sigh... oh well. I was going fast so as not to miss Brenda's Birthday party on twitter, and come back to find you took all the cake. Your forgiven, by the way.. snicker. I only share chocolate with my best buds.

Obviously there is lot's more to this story, but the the gist of it is about which friends we care about the most and how to let them go, even when we do still care for them. To me it is the ones that stand by when your making a mistake, or let you know something that you should be aware of and are not. Things that are pertinent to your daily life.

I don't wish her any ill, I just can't be a part of someones life that has different moral compass than me. It does not work. My family is 1st and always will be 1st. If my friends can accept that and not interfere in that, than they will always be friends.

Love you to! ;)