This article has taken me a couple of weeks to write. My son Gabriel came to me last week and asked a very powerful question in the wake of the parkland shooting. "What should he do?" His classmates have planned 6 student walk outs. I asked him why, what were they trying to gain? He said they want our teachers armed. More security in the school. I asked what he wanted. He said, I am staying in class. Even though he would be the only student doing so. He wants his education. Period.
We, my children and I, went through the fear of a school shooting. The Marysville one. We had just moved when it took place, but all the kids classmates and friends were still there. My granddaughter was friends with the boy who did the shooting. We had check ins on facebook, because I did not know where all my kids were on that day. I know my oldest had planned on being at the school. I tagged him and his friends to check in because we could not get through on the phones.
The questions that people had after the shooting, the emotions, the fear of going back. All these overwhelming thoughts happened. What if my kids had been in that cafeteria?
I'm a gun owner. I would not say advocate per say, because I think it comes down to the individual and how that persons handles everyday stress. I do not believe that everyone should have a gun, or even have access to one.
The Parkland Florida school shooting, has become the catalyst for our political platform on the great weapons debate. (and I hope you are paying attention to what I am writing, not to respond, but to make you think) hint, Catalyst. (Our children, who are being killed, are making people stand up an say, it's the guns.) they are the catalyst. The next voting generation, and they are saying, we will vote you out. We have the power to do so.
Does anyone really know how wrong this is? To depend on our children to make the change. I empathize with the Teens who have come forward to blast Trump on gun laws, and I get it. I do. But what is happening is nothing to do with the access of guns.
Correlation, does not mean causation. These shooters show 2 personas. You recognize the signs after, but never before. There is a psychopathy to these children, or young adults. They have impulse control issues, they are incapable of empathy and they are dis inhibited. Meaning, they are marginal to society. So unless the mental health professionals get involved with families and children who are marginal, we will not see a change.
The guns will always be available, regardless of the lawmakers. What's happening in politics comes no where close to whats happening on our streets.
There have been 461 school shootings since the Texas Clock Tower massacre. This year alone there have been 18. That works out to about 3 a week. maybe a little less.
We are evolving backwards. Our brains are getting bigger but malfunctioning more. We have become godless and self destructive. We destroy our habitation, and eat our own. If we want to save our children, we have got to change the way we think.
Wake up. The gun debate is the least of our worries.
The cold and flu season. Usually starting in mid October and continuing on to the following year, sometimes in to March.
For me, it starts in late November, and I usually have it until the beginning of January. This time however, it has hung on until just the past couple weeks, and is slowly going away. I do not have a spleen, so it is harder for me to fight anything I get. I do not though, get the flu shot.
Here's why; several years ago, when the doctors figured out I did not have a spleen, they loaded me up with shots. The flu shot, the
pneumococcal and more. I had a rare auto immune disease that was treated with chemo, so all my defenses were low. Through the years though, I stopped getting the shots. Moving, changing Doctors, life changes, and so on, so I just stopped. I have found that I have been healthier without the shots and other medicines that I have been on.
This year has been the 1st year that I caught the flu really bad, and it knocked me for a loop. I got it one day before the New Year, and still have the cough, and sinus issue. (mostly from working in a smoke filled casino is what I believe) Anyway, I don't get the shots. This is a personal choice.
In Washington State, we have had over 150 deaths from complications of the flu, 27 have been in Snohomish county. The highest in the state. This is my county. I live in the North end where homelessness and drug abuse has also risen. No doubt contributing to these statistics.
According to the CDC the shot this year was only 46% effective. That's not a high number. I'm not a Doctor, nor a scientist, I didn't study medicine, or biology. None of those things, but it seems to me, that getting a shot that is not 100% effective, is not really worth it. I'm basing this on personal experience, but think about it. Why would you want to put a live virus in your body. (I get it, it builds the immune system) but if it's not going to work, then why do it? We've seen through the years what shots our Doctors give us, and our Government says we need, to go to school, to travel, ect; have done in the long term. Higher rates of Autism, meningitis, and other side effects. So, to me, there is just no point in getting one. (Again, a personal choice)
Personal belief; It all comes down to DNA and Genetics. To get the shot or not is up to you.
Other statistics involving shot's that our Government tell us we need. Let's look at the Amish, and people and culture who do not go by the guidelines of popular society.
So there ya go; think things through before you blindly do what someone else tells you is good for you. You decide.