Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Personal life and business.. when they conflict.

What to do.. what to do. For the 1st time in my life, there are some personal things happening, that may end up conflicting with my business. Hmm.... so what to do.

I am usually a very private person, and there are a select few who know me on that level. My business has always come 1st, but I now find my self in a position that may well end up making it 2nd.. or 3rd.

My customers are number one, however, I cannot take care of them, if I am not taking care of me. How do other business owners do this and still stay in business? I can't be the only one out there with some things to attend to. The problem is, it seems as if they may be on-going. Where is the balance? Acckk! It's making me nuts. I have always done well under pressure so this should be a no brain er right? Just schedule things to fit whats happening.

Well... on the internet, there are expectations that your available 24 hours a day. My god! How do people survive getting up at 3 am to answer a desperate email to see if you still have a particular product available? Where did this expectation come from? I would never presume my local deli mart to be open solely for my needs. I can wait until tomorrow. I can really. It's not a big deal.

So this is for those who need it right NOW. I am here, and I will get to you, and it will be as lovely as you need it to be, but, I will not answer 3am emails, I will not be here on weekends, and I will not jump because you say jump. Please understand that us business owners have a life also, and communication is key. We know your there, and will do our 100% best to get what you need, but our 100% has to be because we are 100%.

I love my business, it is one of the best decisions I ever made. I run it to the best of my ability. Your #1 when it comes to staying in business, but I am #1 when it comes to running it.


Unknown said...

Unfortunately, we have become a society of GIVE IT TO ME NOW! Whether its products of information or just attention.
Everyone needs to realize that eCommerce people are real people with families, pets, and other issues facing them as well and many are a one man (or woman) show.
Just be cause it is 9am at your place dones not mean it is 9am at thiers... nor does it mean they are staring at their inbox waiting for your email.
Many put high standards on themselves... giving 110% percent for their customers. A little patience is all they ask for.

magisterrex said...

I think most people are very reasonable when it comes to responding to phone messages and emails. (Well, eBayers tend to be an exception to the rule, but that's another story.) The danger to the small business owner is the temptation to shift the home/work balance out of whack to the point where mental and/or physical exhaustion kicks in, which in turn swings the pendulum the other direction. Sometimes the best solution is to take a step back and do a self-check, checking up on your energy levels, work/life balance, or happiness quotient. A little analysis can go a long way!

Brenda said...

Since we live in an instant gratification society, I think people sometimes don't stop to think who they're actually dealing with. If you're trying to purchase something from a Big Box store web site, you expect them to have customer service people who can answer your question 24/7, 365. Unfortunately, that has become an expectation of everyone who does business on the Internet.

At least that was my experience when I was selling on eBay. In the beginning, I was checking sales and emails all times of the day and night, 7 days a week. But one person cannot keep that up indefinitely - regardless of what is happening in their personal life.

As a buyer, my main concerns are the reputation of the seller, the quality of the goods or services they sell, and the knowledge I am getting their personal attention. If that means I don't get an answer to a question I sent in at 4:00am on Saturday morning until sometime Monday, that's just not a problem for me.

It's your business, and you get to set the ground rules. You have to do what is best for you and your family. Period.

Sue said...

I remember so well, one eBay ASQ I'd responded to at 3am because I happened to have woken up and checked my email while I drank a glass of water. The next morning by 8am, there were 5 snotty emails from the same person wanting to know why I hadn't responded immediately to her follow-up question sent at 4am and telling me that if I was going to be so tardy in email responses, she wasn't going to buy off me. Damn straight she wasn't - gotta love that blocked bidder list!!

Anyway. Look after yourself. If you don't do that, you can't run a business or anything.