Friday, July 20, 2012


Friends, lovers, soulmates....Sometimes we hurt the people we love the most. We do it, because something inside of us is broken and hurting. It does not even have to do with the other person, it's just this ugly thing.

An unhappy place, and everything bad....... anger sadness, all lives there.

When you go there, you live in that place, and when your there you might do and say things that are hurtful and terrible.

Things that are good and happy and bright cause you pain. You want to hide those things, smash them, kill them. You want other people to hurt, so they can feel your pain.

Even when you profess to love them.

Sorry is life, do people really understand what that means? Do they learn from it, and move forward, or do they continue to hide behind thier pain? How can you love, when you don't love yourself?

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