Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Gypsy..........Back to growing up

It's funny the way life is. I have written a few things on my younger brother and myself and our past. We did a lot together, and hung out with a lot of the same people, yet our lives still took somewhat different separate paths.

Lately, because of the past years events for both of us, we are seeing more and more of each other. Life has a way of scooping up everything you know, shaking the shit out of it and throwing it back out in front of you. The best part is, seeing how all the pieces realign themselves and where it all leads.

Last year I would never have thought I would be where I am right now. My brother and I were both married, both thinking long term, and now that has all changed. For both of us. I personally would not have it any other way. I'm loving my life and the people in it. They have become like family and closer in my heart than I thought possible.

Randy is back with me again too. I love the hell out of him. Yes, he's critical, yes, he can be hard, but he's my brother and I accept him for who he is. I do not try to change him, even the faults I accept. We all have them. Working on them and making them better is what counts.

We have both re-defined our goals. Our roots are still in-tack, our belief system is still the same and our core has not changed. How we look at life has. 27 years ago, Randy and I both went to night clubs on Hewitt ave in Everett, now we have come full circle. It's funny too... some of the same people are still there, after all these years, and some are new, but it seems to have come full circle.

I have 3 goals now. One, is my health and getting better, two, is giving 100% support to a man who deserves it more than anyone I have met in my life. Three is being in that mans life as an equal, before my life is over. I want my family to be apart of this too. My brother and my father especially. They know me the best, out of all the people I have known, and even though Randy and I may seem like we are at odds, we are not, it is our dynamic. We both learn from each other.

Most who have read my blog, know the man I am talking about, and I believe in destiny. Things happen for a reason. My brother back, the scene I left years ago, all of it, has brought me to this person, and I am blessed and thankful that it has.


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